Oil puddle that can be burned.

Step 0.

Let's make an oil puddle that can be burned with fire.

 If you want simple one(single actor with static mesh, limited shape), don't need to use physics material or multiple fire actors.

 In this time, we will make more flexible system. Unlimited shape, and perhaps it will work with dynamic decal if you change a bit more.

Related post : Surface reaction character

Step 1.

These are final assets. The fire particle is from Unreal Engine 4 sample.

Open 'Project settings'. Add Physical surface properties.

Step 2.

Create new PhysicalMaterial and select surface type.

Step 3.

Create a oil material and change Phys Material.

Make planes with the material.

Step 4.

 This is the oil fire actor blueprint.

If you look at the function name, you'll see what it does.

Use overlapping actors array and avoid line-trace function calls.

Step 5.

 Fire with LMB.


 Do not spawn all fire actors via network. It may too heavy.
 Be careful because it can spawn fire actors infinitely according to various value setting.


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