
Showing posts from 2018

Material Parameter Test Helper(C++)

In general, there are too many combinations of material parameter values. So, in this article, let's create a actor that help us. Step 1. New actor with C++ The c ++ fix is required to see it in the Editor Viewport. UpdateMaterial () content is a core feature of this actor. Step 2. Blueprint Decorate the Actor a little. Step 3. Material Create a test material. Step 4. Level Place multiple StaticMeshActors and apply test material. Set Actor and value as shown on the right side of the screenshot. Step 5. If you want to check the values in detail, double-click the material. The remaining issues - Sometimes material values may not be applied properly. If so, restart the editor or level. - Vector parameters must be supported.

Material Function for Diffuse control curve

For a while I have tested some ideas for adjusting the Diffuse color curve in the material. I have found the results I want, and I will give you an overview of the process and the results. It was designed so that the following conditions were always satisfied. - Do not use sqrt, if, or trigonometric functions. - Pure Black should be kept at 0,0,0. - Linear from black to white. - It should be possible to control with only one parameter in Material Instance. - Must be adjustable to a normalized (-1 to 1) value. Step 1. Find Equation There are websites that draw graphs of equations. Using them will be very helpful for development. We will get the value (y-axis) to multiply according to the brightness (x-axis) of the color. The red line is the ideal circular curve. The blue line is a simplified version of the red line without Sqrt().  We choose this. Step 2. Material Function Create a new material Function.  The final content is simple. Step 3. Validat

Liquid material in a bottle

This time we will create a liquid material in a bottle. You can think of it divided into liquid surface and inside. Let's implement surface changes. Step 1. Material This is the material. Use the dot to judge the side face to maintain the normal of the side face. Add the Wave Height one more time so that the World Position Offset does not become smaller than 0. Step 2. Bottle Actor The bottle consists of two Skeletal Mesh Components. The internal Skeletal Mesh Component has a Scale less than 1. Glass material for BottleMesh : Step 3. Parameter We have to set 'Actor Up' vector parameter. Result These are the last implemented resources.

UI In and Out material

This time, we will create a material that can be used for a UI object to appear or disappear. Step 1. Material This is the material. Do not use 'if' nodes as much as possible. Step 2. Parameters Weight : You need to change it when the UI comes or goes out. Noise texture : This determines the appearance of the animation. Pick color texture : 1D texture just like this. Result With more modifications, you can easily implement various animation effects.

MatCap material

In this post, let's create a MatCap material. Please refer to the link below for a description of the MatCap material. or Step 1. Material This is the material. Step 2. Texture You should have textures similar to the following: Step 3. Result

Simple morphing with material

Morphing with material can reduce animation production costs. You can also take advantage of the unique feel. Let's make a simple example. Step 1. Material This is the material. The most important thing is how to construct 'the final shape'.  There are so many possibilities.  In other situations, you can replace it with 'local position' instead of 'world position'. At the middle step, add some noise to make it look magical. Step 2. Update Parameters This is the Blueprint of the Morphing Character. More... Consider these. You can not control details. So, this method may not be effective if it is slowly deformed. You must have the appropriate animation. It is better if the appropriate particle effect is used at the same time. Perhaps the material node graph will become very complex. Optimization is required. It may be better for a projectile than a character. (e.g. Ghost shape arrow)

Maintaining a Line of Unexecuted Nodes

Sometimes you do not want to run some blueprint nodes, but you may want to keep them connected. You can do that with 'Blueprint macros'. Step 1. Create new 'Blueprint Macro Library'. Step 2. // This is the result. Step 3. /* , */ This is the result of each. In this case, you need to create a '*/' node that very useless and not clear. Step 4. /// This is more effective than previous implementations.

Custom web link on asset context menu(C++ modification)

Unreal Engine 4 has the ability to describe the asset in various ways. But if you have a large number of team members and a complex game system, you will need more detailed documentation. And if you're using solutions like JIRA and Redmine, you'll need a flexible external web link system. Step 1. Consider the following items. -  Non-programmers should be able to change Web links. - It should also be available for existing asset types. -  It should be able to have other links in the same Class type as well. Step 2. Table Data First of all, we will make table row type from FTableRowBase. In my case, I created the file in 'Engine\Source\Editor\ContentBrowser\Public' Table looks like below. Step 2. Context Menu Button Modify FAssetContextMenu class. Add code as shown in the screenshots below. The remaining issues If you want to use a different link depending on the class type, see : FAssetContextMenu::AddDocumentatio

Post Process Material based zoom

The scope zoom of the gun uses the FOV of the camera and 'Post Process Material based zoom' is not always the best choice. But it may be needed for special effects(if pixel enlargement is required?). And it is also good for learning because it is simple. Step 1. Basic This is the result. Step 2. Problem If you zoom out, there is a problem outside the image. Step 3. Remove outer area This is an improved version. Efficiently determine the outside and inside with Frac nodes. Step 4. Final