Optimization Help Volume(C++ modification)
Unreal Engine 4 has a lot of features to help you optimize. But some features may be needed to optimize a specific area.
In this post, let's create a volume that calculates the sum of the vertices of the Actor contained in itself.
Maybe it will help to optimize the building or grassland area.
C ++ code work is required.
In this post, let's create a volume that calculates the sum of the vertices of the Actor contained in itself.
Maybe it will help to optimize the building or grassland area.
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #pragma once #include "CoreMinimal.h" #include "GameFramework/Volume.h" #include "OptimizationHelpVolume.generated.h" /** * Shows information related to optimization of all actors in the volume. */ UCLASS() class TEST01_API AOptimizationHelpVolume : public AVolume { GENERATED_UCLASS_BODY() public: UPROPERTY(VisibleInstanceOnly, Category = "Optimization", Transient) int TotalVertexCount; protected: virtual void PostEditMove(bool bFinished); virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent) override; void UpdateInfo(); };
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings. #include "OptimizationHelpVolume.h" #include "EngineUtils.h" #include "Engine/StaticMeshActor.h" #include "Components/BrushComponent.h" #include "Engine/CollisionProfile.h" AOptimizationHelpVolume::AOptimizationHelpVolume(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer) { GetBrushComponent()->SetCollisionProfileName(UCollisionProfile::NoCollision_ProfileName); GetBrushComponent()->bAlwaysCreatePhysicsState = true; TotalVertexCount = -1; } void AOptimizationHelpVolume::PostEditMove(bool bFinished) { Super::PostEditMove(bFinished); UpdateInfo(); } void AOptimizationHelpVolume::PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent) { Super::PostEditChangeProperty(PropertyChangedEvent); UpdateInfo(); } void AOptimizationHelpVolume::UpdateInfo() { TotalVertexCount = 0; UWorld* IteratorWorld = GWorld; for (FActorIterator Iter(IteratorWorld); Iter; ++Iter) { AStaticMeshActor *SMA = Cast<AStaticMeshActor>(*Iter); if (SMA) { FVector loc = SMA->GetActorLocation(); float OutDistanceToPoint = 0.0f; if (EncompassesPoint(loc, 0.0f, &OutDistanceToPoint)) { UStaticMeshComponent* SMC = SMA->GetStaticMeshComponent(); if (SMC) { UStaticMesh* SM = SMC->GetStaticMesh(); if (SM) { TotalVertexCount += SM->GetNumVertices(0); } } } } } //UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("TotalVertexCount : %d"), TotalVertexCount); }
You need to do the following additional things :
- The current implementation has the problem that it can not be updated automatically at first.
- You should show more information such as the number of triangles.
- Actors are more accurate to account for the size that they actually draw.
Code highlight by http://hilite.me/
Thank you!
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