c# code to generate a custom texture
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How to make circular progress bar
Let's see how to generate a custom texture.
Added : If you know python consider this.
Code highlight by http://hilite.me
How to make circular progress bar
Let's see how to generate a custom texture.
Added : If you know python consider this.
Step 1. Create C# Project.
Step 2.
This form1 class code that create a new BMP with PerPixelAction function.using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace TexGenTest { public partial class Form1 : Form { public static double DegToRad = 0.0174533; public delegate Color PerPixelAction( int x, int y, Size ImageSize, Bitmap BitmapData, double Para1, double Para2, double Para3 ); public Size MidSize = new Size( 128, 128 ); public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); CreateTexture_PPA( "F:\\RoundRectAngle_{0}_R{1}.bmp", MidSize, PPA_RoundRectAngle, 0.2 ); CreateTexture_PPA( "F:\\Angle_Circle_{0}_Pos{1}x{2}.bmp", MidSize, PPA_AngleFrom, 0.5, 0.5 ); CreateTexture_PPA( "F:\\Angle_Circle_{0}_Pos{1}x{2}.bmp", MidSize, PPA_AngleFrom, 0.3, 0.3 ); } public Bitmap CreateTexture_PPA( string SavePath, Size ImageSize, PerPixelAction DelegateMethod, double Para1 = 0.0, double Para2 = 0.0, double Para3 = 0.0, string Command = "" ) { Bitmap BitmapData = new Bitmap( ImageSize.Width, ImageSize.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb ); for( int x = 0; x < ImageSize.Width; x++ ) { for( int y = 0; y < ImageSize.Height; y++ ) { BitmapData.SetPixel( x, y, DelegateMethod( x, y, ImageSize, BitmapData, Para1, Para2, Para3 ) ); } } string TextureSize = string.Format( "{0}x{1}", ImageSize.Width, ImageSize.Height ); BitmapData.Save( string.Format( SavePath, TextureSize, RD( Para1 ), RD( Para2 ), RD( Para3 ) ), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp ); return BitmapData; } // Remove dot. private double RD( double Value ) { return Value < 1 ? Value * 100 : Value; } public static double FindAngle( double x, double y, Size ImageSize, double CenterX = 0.5, double CenterY = 0.5 ) { double VX = (double)x / ImageSize.Width - CenterX; double VY = ( (double)y / ImageSize.Height - CenterY ) * -1; double VLen = Math.Sqrt( VX * VX + VY * VY ); if( VLen <= 0.0 ) { return -1; // Same Place. } VX = VX / VLen; VY = VY / VLen; double Dot = 0 * VX + 1 * VY; double Angle = Math.Acos( Dot ); if( VX < 0.0 ) { Angle = Math.PI + ( Math.PI - Angle ); } return Angle; } public static void ConvertRadianTo2Byte( double Radian, ref int R, ref int G, ref int B ) { B = 0; if( Radian < 0.0 ) { R = 0; G = 0; return; } int Value = (int)( Radian / ( Math.PI * 2 ) * 65535 ); Value = Math.Min( Value, 65535 ); R = Value / 256; G = Value - ( R * 256 ); } public static double Scale( double valueIn, double baseMin, double baseMax, double limitMin, double limitMax ) { return ( ( limitMax - limitMin ) * ( valueIn - baseMin ) / ( baseMax - baseMin ) ) + limitMin; } public static Color ConvertRadianToRGB( double Radian ) { int R = 0, G = 0, B = 0; ConvertRadianTo2Byte( Radian, ref R, ref G, ref B ); return Color.FromArgb( R, G, B ); } public static Color PPA_AngleFrom( int x, int y, Size ImageSize, Bitmap BitmapData, double CenterX, double CenterY, double Para3 ) { double Angle = FindAngle( x, y, ImageSize, CenterX, CenterY ); double Low = 0; double High = Math.PI * 2; if( CenterX == 0 ) { High = Math.PI; } else if( CenterX >= ImageSize.Width ) { Low = Math.PI; } if( CenterY == 0 ) { Low = Math.Max( Math.PI * 0.5, Low ); High = Math.Min( Math.PI * 2 * 0.75, High ); } else if( CenterY >= ImageSize.Height ) { // error;;;;;;;;; return Color.Red; } Angle = Scale( Angle, Low, High, 0, Math.PI * 2 ); return ConvertRadianToRGB( Angle ); } public static Color PPA_RoundRectAngle( int x, int y, Size ImageSize, Bitmap BitmapData, double RoundSize, double Para2, double Para3 ) { double Angle = FindAngle( x, y, ImageSize ); double Short = ImageSize.Width * RoundSize; double Long = ImageSize.Height - ImageSize.Height * RoundSize; if( x > Long && y < Short ) { Angle = FindAngle( x, y, ImageSize, Long / ImageSize.Width, Short / ImageSize.Height ); double Low = FindAngle( Long, 0, ImageSize ); double High = FindAngle( ImageSize.Width, Short, ImageSize ); Angle = Scale( Angle, 0, Math.PI * 0.5, Low, High ); } else if( x > Long && y > Long ) { Angle = FindAngle( x, y, ImageSize, Long / ImageSize.Width, Long / ImageSize.Height ); double Low = FindAngle( ImageSize.Width, Long, ImageSize ); double High = FindAngle( Long, ImageSize.Height, ImageSize ); Angle = Scale( Angle, Math.PI * 0.5, Math.PI, Low, High ); } else if( x < Short && y < Short ) { Angle = FindAngle( x, y, ImageSize, Short / ImageSize.Width, Short / ImageSize.Height ); double Low = FindAngle( 0, Short, ImageSize ); double High = FindAngle( Short, 0, ImageSize ); Angle = Scale( Angle, Math.PI * 1.5, Math.PI * 2, Low, High ); } else if( x < Short && y > Long ) { Angle = FindAngle( x, y, ImageSize, Short / ImageSize.Width, Long / ImageSize.Height ); double Low = FindAngle( Short, ImageSize.Height, ImageSize ); double High = FindAngle( 0, Long, ImageSize ); Angle = Scale( Angle, Math.PI, Math.PI * 1.5, Low, High ); } else { if( Angle <= 45 * DegToRad ) { Angle = FindAngle( x, 0, ImageSize ); } else if( Angle >= 45 * DegToRad && Angle <= 135 * DegToRad ) { Angle = FindAngle( ImageSize.Width, y, ImageSize ); } else if( Angle >= 135 * DegToRad && Angle <= 225 * DegToRad ) { Angle = FindAngle( x, ImageSize.Height, ImageSize ); } else if( Angle >= 225 * DegToRad && Angle <= 315 * DegToRad ) { Angle = FindAngle( 0, y, ImageSize ); } else { Angle = FindAngle( x, 0, ImageSize ); } //resultImage.SetPixel( x, y, Color.FromArgb( 255, 0, 0 ) ); // debug. } return ConvertRadianToRGB( Angle ); } } }
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